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Finding the right self-catering accommodation in England for a large group of people without sacrificing comfort, luxury or style is difficult, however large luxury cottages may be just what you are looking for. Boasting spacious reception rooms, comfortable accommodation presented to the highest standard as well as some great facilities and modern appliances, everyone will be comfortable and happy in a large luxury cottage. Ideal for large families, groups of friends, walking groups or sometimes hen and stag parties, large luxury cottages will provide you with all the space you need with all the luxury to go with it. Some even boast facilities that are not so easy to find in smaller properties such as games rooms, spas, cinema rooms, outdoor grounds and much more. Set within beautiful areas of the English countryside such as the south west, the Cotswolds, south coast and Norfolk, your bound to find a large luxury cottage to suit your group and holiday. Swimming pools and hot tubs can also often be found within the grounds of a large luxury cottage in England, providing you with great entertainment for the kids and not so grown up adults.