Luxury Self-Catering Accommodation in Ireland with Sports on Site and Nearby

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Luxury Self-Catering Accommodation in Ireland with Sports on Site and Nearby

Playing sports during a self-catering getaway in Ireland is a great way to spend quality time with your friends or family.
1 Properties match your Search for Luxury Self-Catering with Sports in Ireland.
Old Village Barn near Lough Derg
sleeps 6
number of bedrooms2
number of bathrooms3
2 dogs allowed 2
wood burner
Weekly price: £514 - £1449
Short breaks: minimum 3 night(s)

Playing sports during a self-catering getaway in Ireland is a great way to spend quality time with your friends or family. There are a range of sports available meaning you are sure to find something to meet your party's needs, whether you fancy playing a game of tennis or having a relaxing day of fishing, you are sure to have a memorable time when you choose to stay in luxury self-catering accommodation. Browse the links below to find the perfect luxurious holiday cottage for your stay in Ireland, if you cant decide which sport takes your fancy, search the properties listed below which is the full range of luxury self-catering accommodation in Ireland with sports facilities on site or nearby.